The Learning Curve, Pt. 3

The Learning Curve, Pt. 3

This blog is the last in my little series of things I’ve learned as an educator about kids and how we adults can best support them as they grow. Part One of this series was a general commentary on kids’ flexibility and resilience, with a little bit about setting boundaries. Part Two talked about kids,…

The Learning Curve, Pt. 2

The Learning Curve, Pt. 2

Or: Kids and Their “Challenging Behaviors” Whining. Tattling. Shutting down. Tantrums. Throwing stuff. One thing I’ve learned about all of these behaviors – from Dr. Ross Greene in his book “The Explosive Child” (you should DEFINITELY check it out, even if your kiddo is not explosive) – is that they all come from the same…

The Learning Curve, Pt. 1

The Learning Curve, Pt. 1

This blog is part of a series of musings on what I have learned about kids and education throughout my years of teaching. The ideas here aren’t original, but this is the record of how my brain has processed them. I hope it helps a parent or teacher somewhere. 🙂 Today’s lesson? Kids. Are. Amazing….

Luxurious Learning: All Education Should Be Special Education

Luxurious Learning: All Education Should Be Special Education

So, why did Luff come to be? If you’re here on this page, chances are, you are sick of the public school system for one reason or another. Overcrowded classrooms, overstressed teachers, overwhelming fixation on standardized testing, overabundance of technology in elementary classrooms, overlooking of the horrific bullying problem plaguing our kids…. The list goes…