Fine Arts Friday

Learning Through Fine Arts

Fine Arts Friday is a great way to provide your homeschooler with a fun, weekly socialization and educational opportunity. In this class, we explore the wonders of Theatre, Art, and Music —and prepare a quarterly show for families and friends to enjoy!

The arts grow students’ knowledge in literature, history, and culture WHILE building essential skills like teamwork, resilience, communication, critical thinking, empathy, and creative expression.

Classes take place every Friday from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm.

A Place for Everyone

Our “Fine Arts Friday” class is a way for any homeschooling family to access some of the learning that takes place in our full Artistic Evolution Program (AEP). It is heavily influenced by our core curriculum, but it is much less rigorous; it is a way to enrich and deepen the knowledge presented in the AEP by having the students use their learning by engaging in artistic expression. FAF is included in the AEP, but can be attended on its own.

The kids in our FAF class all contribute to the production of Luff’s next staged show. No student is forced to act on stage, but they are heartily encouraged to give it a try at least once! However, if they don’t want to, there are so many other roles outside of characters that they can play. They could work as an usher for the show, hand out programs, play music for the show, or help with props, scenery, and costumes. The theatre — like the classroom — has a place for everyone.